
Seattle University Magazine

Seattle University Magazine, a quarterly publication of Seattle University, strives to connect alumni, the campus community and the community-at-large to the university and one another through great storytelling covering a diversity of issues, thoughts and topics. In pursuit of the mission of the magazine, we foster pride in the university by:

  • Celebrating achievements and historical milestones.
  • Educating readers about the attributes that make Seattle University distinctive, from its Jesuit ethos and quality of education to the role students, faculty, staff and alumni play in cultivating a culture of inclusivity and diversity.
  • Support the initiatives—including programmatically—that underpin a Seattle University education and strengthen our standing in the city, the region and the world. 

Seattle University Magazine is produced by the Marketing Communications department.
Editor: Tina Potterf

Contact the Editor: 206-296-6111 or email tinap@bomabearing.com

The Commons

As part of The Newsroom, The Commons is a news site for and about the faculty and staff of Seattle University. The Commons provides the latest campus news and happenings and celebrates the achievements of our colleagues, students and alumni. It explores our living Jesuit tradition, answers commonly asked questions and features the people and scenes of the university.

We need your help. Please share your ideas—or better yet, send us a story. Write an article on something going on at the university, a reflection on some aspect of SU life or an opinion piece on a current event, either on campus or beyond. Share a recent achievement of your own or that of a colleague who may be reluctant to let us know. Send photos, videos—anything that visually captures the beauty and essence of our campus or its people.

Thanks for reading, thanks for your input and thanks for helping to tell the story of SU.

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