COVID-19 Stories

The Seattle U community—from students to staff, faculty to alumni—are exemplifying the good that exists amid the COVID-19 pandemic and inspiring pride and hope through their everyday efforts and outreach. COVID-19故事分享了他们正在发挥的作用.



Much of the first floor of Campion Hall is home to the Swedish Community COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at Seattle University, a new and unique collaboration between the two longtime partners in health care education that will be in place at least through June.

Image for Nurses Battle the Third Wave

Nurses Battle the Third Wave

随着COVID-19病例的增加,医疗系统的压力也在增加. KUOW对87届BSN校友希瑟·斯蒂芬-塞尔比的音频采访, ‘98 MSN, advanced nurse practitioner and the director of clinical support for Healthpoint Community Health Centers.

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COVID - 19引发的变化为学生提供多样化服务提供了经验

In a Q&A, Kim Thompson, 国外博彩app残疾服务高级主任, 解释了她的部门是如何适应虚拟平台的.



Since 2015, Seattle U staff and students have led mentoring programs for students at Washington Middle School. And like all things impacted by COVID-19, this program required new thinking after Seattle Public Schools moved to remote instruction last April.

Image for Who is Getting COVID-19 in King County?

Who is Getting COVID-19 in King County?

People of color are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 and the trend when associated with income wasn't much of a surprise to Jodi O'Brien, a sociology professor at Seattle University.

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Coping with Pandemic Stress

Seattle U Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides COVID-19 coping tips and support for students and parents.

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Going the Distance

When Seattle University announced its plan to transition to online learning in response to the COVID-19 crisis, Rubiná Mahsud, PhD, in Albers School of Business and Economics had to quickly redesign her courses while stuck in a time zone 12 hours ahead of Seattle.

Image for Our Brains are Doing Strange Things

Our Brains are Doing Strange Things

KUOW features leading brain experts, 包括国外博彩app心理学高级讲师基拉·莫斯特, PhD, to explore tips for well-being as we move into the acceptance phase of this "new normal.” (Editor’s note: Also visit SU In the News)



Nicole Hardie, ’98, has been a pediatric flight nurse for Airlift Northwest for the past 13 years. Due to how the virus spreads, 运输协议已重新设计,以确保患者和护理人员的安全.



西雅图癌症护理联盟强调凯西·霍夫曼, ’17, 在大流行期间,她继续在一线工作.

想为你最喜欢的慈善机构做更多的图片? Consider a Planned Gift.

Want to Do More For Your Favorite Charity? Consider a Planned Gift.

The coronavirus pandemic has led many Americans to consider their own mortality and plan for the future. 与此同时,由于COVID-19,许多非营利组织面临着严峻的形势.



在医疗保健领域有丰富的经验, Sarah Welch, ’21, 作为国家统计局的注册护士在COVID-19危机的第一线工作, 同时在国外博彩app护理学院攻读博士学位.



尽管考试管理人员表示,标准化考试将于今年秋天在网上进行, 一些专家担心,这种转变将加剧现有的系统性不平等. Seattle U Provost Shane Martin offers insights.

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Helping the Hardest Hit Communities

Gordon McHenry, Jr., ’79, president and CEO of United Way of King Count, 讨论了COVID-19如何突出了我们医疗体系中的系统性问题.


Changing Business in the Wake of COVID-19

Steve Brooks, ’98, ’19, vice president of business development at UMC, is driving an innovative solution to help at-risk communities stay healthy while keeping employees in the workforce.


A Message of Hope During Difficult Times

护理和女子足球校友朱莉娅·贝萨诺(Julia Besagno), 14岁,在COVID-19前线工作. In her reflection on the pandemic, 她为州立大学社区和高年级学生运动员提供支持.

Image for Graduate Student Draws on Relationships with Farmers and Grocers to Get Unsold Produce to Food Banks

Graduate Student Draws on Relationships with Farmers and Grocers to Get Unsold Produce to Food Banks

A collaboration between local businesses, farmers markets and food banks is working to redirect fruits and vegetables to hungry communities across the Seattle area.



Information Technology Services, Lemieux Library and the Campus Store collaborate to help make remote learning possible for all students.

Image for 国外博彩app法律系学生帮助家庭暴力幸存者申请保护令


Deirdre Bowen, a law professor at Seattle University, created a new pop-up clinic that allows law students to help domestic violence survivors file protection orders in King County.



Naomi Diggs, MD, ’04, ’20, is a physician and leader at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle where she is part of the coordinated COVID-19 response team.


Campus Widens Support of Students Virtually

Supporting current students in every possible way remains an important priority for Seattle University.



The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides several billion dollars in economic and financial relief to students and universities. 这让国外博彩app的学生和大学松了一口气.

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Mechanical Engineering Student is Member of Research Group Looking for Ways to Reuse N95 Facemasks

Daniel Lee is among 60 academics and professionals nationally looking for ways to decontaminate and reuse N95 face masks to help counter a severe shortage of the critical equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Image for From Parking to PPE, 国外博彩app正在帮助当地卫生保健社区应对COVID

From Parking to PPE, 国外博彩app正在帮助当地卫生保健社区应对COVID

Seattle U is making its Broadway parking garage available to Harborview Medical Center and personal protective equipment from its Nursing program to Swedish Cherry Hill and a local retirement home

Image for 因冠状病毒关闭而受到伤害的餐馆继续帮助其他有需要的人


In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Osbaldo Hernandez, ’12, co-owner of Frelard Tamales and his family have been packing free sack lunches for children out of school.

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A grant to the Seattle University Youth Initiative will help fill the void left by closures of early learning programs due to COVID-19.



Through Admitted Students Virtual Receptions, 24届毕业生有机会庆祝他们被录取了, connect and ask questions. 超过530名学生参加了首届直播活动.

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