


Internationally focused photography competition captures—in vivid moments—the wonders of the spaces, 我们周围的地方和人.

Art has a way of transporting the observer to a period of history, 那一刻, a scene that defined an era or an exotic location that conjure mental images of that dream vacation. The art of photography is perhaps one of the truest forms of capturing realism in the everyday, whether that’s a colorful scene playing out among boys hanging out in Dakar, 塞内加尔, or the traditional Royal Highland Festival on sweeping land in Bhutan.

These scenes are not mere hypotheticals but rather represent photographs by students that took some of the top awards at this year’s Imagining the World photo competition presented by the College of Arts and Sciences in conjunction with campus partners.  

An exhibition showcasing these works and more kicks off April 30 at an opening reception from 5-7 p.m. on the second floor of the Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons. 该展览将持续到9月6日. 

The exhibit will feature a collection of 23 images made up of eight winners and 15 honorable mentions, 从总共145份意见书中选出了哪些.

Each image in this show tells a unique story and reflecting that are turns moving, 深刻而具有启示性, 学生抓拍, staff and faculty during transformative cultural immersion trips in the states and abroad. 从繁华的城市景观到宁静的风景, Imagining the World offers a glimpse into the world’s diverse tapestry. 

“We are proud that this exciting project has returned after a four-year hiatus,大卫·鲍尔斯说。, 文理学院院长. “We were ready to host the 12th annual exhibition in April 2020, when the pandemic closed our doors. This edition is a testament not only to the university and college commitment to student engagement with global issues and communities, but it is also a testament to the energy and resiliency of our community.”

The photo competition is divided into three categories: 国外的教育, 国际学生和教职员工. 以下是每个类别的最佳获奖者: 

第一名: “达喀尔男孩”,塞内加尔
By Hannah Sutherland, ’24 (BFA Photography, Minor in French)
摄影师的视角: “I studied the French language in different francophone speaking countries, 我发现我的相机是另一种交流工具. Learning a new language in a foreign country is challenging to say the least, but my photography was a way to tell stories where words failed to express.”

第二名: “皇家高地节”,不丹
Sahil Bathija著, ’23, (Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Political Science with Minors in Philosophy and English; Specialization in Legal Studies)
摄影师的视角: “My experience in the Kingdom of Bhutan was unlike any other I have encountered. It was a privilege to explore what many believe to be the last Shangri-La and immerse myself into such a unique cultural heritage.”

第三名: 《国外博彩app》,Sāmoa
卡特琳·王, B’24 (Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies with a Specialization in Politics, 政策及司法)
摄影师的视角: “This country is filled to the brim with people that are full of live and resilience, and the children are especially curious little rays of sunshine that reminded me of what it is like to be a kid again. These photos are just a glimpse of what life is like in Sāmoa, and they are a piece of my love letter to this beautiful country.”

第一名: 《国外博彩app》,犹他州(美国)
作者:Shreshtha Alok, 24年(公共管理)
摄影师的视角: “For me taking photographs is a way of reflecting over my thoughts and perception of the world that resides inside me.”

第二名: “我想去哪里??纽约(美国)
By Rinko Tsuchiya, ’25 (Bachelor of Arts in English, a Minor in Theatre)
摄影师的视角: “I came to 西雅图 in September 2023 to begin living abroad for the first time in my life. 带着期待和焦虑, 我对美国的生活感到兴奋,现在也是, 并将继续如此, 我的可能性越来越大.”

第三名: “人际关系”,华盛顿(美国)
By Kana Komoto, ’25 (Bachelor of Arts in Political Science)
摄影师的视角: “在飞往西雅图的飞机上,我哭了. 没有家人,没有朋友. 我独自一人. The shadow of myself standing on my own feet in the sunset cheered me up. 四个月后,我终于知道我现在并不孤单. Sunsets over the sea remind me of my family and friends across the ocean.”

第一名: “Si Huno Genocidio(是的,有种族灭绝)”,危地马拉
塞雷娜·科斯格罗夫, 博士学位, 副教授, 国际研究及主任, 拉丁美洲和拉丁研究
摄影师的视角: “The photo I am submitting is from Holy Week 2022 in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. This was the first time after COVID that the Holy Week processions had resumed and was very special for all involved. I was in Guatemala at the time carrying out research about women’s activism to end gender-violence in the post-civil war period.
“Si Huno Genocidio(是的,有种族灭绝)”,危地马拉

第二名: “塞维利亚的屋顶”,西班牙
By Marc Cohen, 博士学位, Professor, Departments of Management and Philosophy
摄影师的视角: “所有这些照片都是在西班牙拍摄的, where I attended the International Association of Jesuit Business Schools conference, 2023年7月. The conference was hosted by Loyola University Andalusia, which has campuses in Seville and Cordóba. The complex historical connections between the different religious communities-periods of peaceful coexistence and also conquest/request – were visible in the cities and the buildings.”

“As a Jesuit university in the heart of an incredibly globally engaged region of the world, our aim is to educate the whole person—by cultivating the qualities of curiosity, 尊重, 协作, 互惠, 谦卑, and service—toward the goal of creating truly global leaders for a just and humane world,” says Vice Provost for Global Engagement and Professor Laura Spitz. “This competition reflects and captures the spirit of that commitment.”